Telescope set of EXTRA SAFE dilator sheaths, inner diameters 7,0/10,00 Fr, length 46/38 cm, tip cuttin angle 45/20°, blue/green
Packaging: Pezzo singolo
Telescope set of EXTRA SAFE dilator sheaths, inner diameters 8,5/11,5 Fr, length 46/38 cm, tip cuttin angle 45/20°, yellow/white
Telescope set of EXTRA SAFE dilator sheaths, inner diameters 10,0/13,0 Fr, length 46/38 cm, tip cuttin angle 45/20°, green/orange
Telescope set of EXTRA SAFE dilator sheaths, inner diameters 11,5/14,5 Fr, length 46/38 cm, tip cuttin angle 45/20°, white/grey
Telescope set of EXTRA SAFE dilator sheaths, inner diameters 13,0/16,0 Fr, length 46/38 cm, tip cuttin angle 45/20°, orange/pink