Electrotherapy - Special Products - Grounding Electrodes

PG940/28 - anti-static
(Electrotherapy - Special Products - Grounding Electrodes - Bracelets)

Reusable anti-static bracelet, snap connection, length 28 cm

Packaging: 10 pieces

PG941/28 - anti-static with buckskin
(Electrotherapy - Special Products - Grounding Electrodes - Bracelets)

Reusable anti-static bracelet coupled with synthetic buckskin, snap connection, length 28 cm

Packaging: 10 pieces

PG942/28 - elastic
(Electrotherapy - Special Products - Grounding Electrodes - Bracelets)

Conductive elastic bracelet, snap connection, length 28 cm

Packaging: 10 pieces

F9024SSC - grounding clamp
(Electrotherapy - Special Products - Grounding Electrodes - Clamp)

Grounding clamp electrode, SSC sensor, for adults

Packaging: 4 pieces

F7805P - paediatric
(Electrotherapy - Special Products - Grounding Electrodes - Pads)

Disposable grounding pad, paediatric, solid gel, FOAM support, tab connection

Packaging: 25 pieces